Magpie Stars Inclusion All-Abilities Clinics

07 Aug 2023


If you’ve ever wanted to experience Australia’s most loved sport of AFL through the Collingwood Football Club now is the chance!

The Collingwood Football Club is delivering another inclusion and all-abilities football program in 2023.

Hosted at the AIA Vitality Centre across three different Monday nights, the FREE clinics are the perfect opportunity for children to create new friendships and learn new skills with some of Collingwood’s best wheelchair athletes.

Starting on Monday the 14th of August, clinics will be delivered from 4:30-6:00pm.

Clinics are designed for people aged 7-12 years that identify as having a disability.

Collingwood Wheelchair Captain and Disability Inclusion Officer Ben Jankovski will help host the clinics alongside a selection of his Collingwood teammates.

Created by Ben, the football sessions will include fun activities, modified games and a bunch of memorable moments for your child to take home with them!

Registration is essential.

If you would like to attend, please register here.
